How To Force Links In Blogger To Open In New Tab

By default, all links and hyperlinks in Blogger opens in your current window. If you ever thought of changing the default action by Blogger and gave up on it entirely, I want you to be happy because the solution is right here. I will quickly walk you through how to force links in Blogger to open in new tab.
5 Easy Steps To Force Links In Blogger To Open In New Tab
Blogger vs WordPress

1. Login to your Blogger account
2. Navigate to TEMPLATE > Edit TEMPLATE
3. Search for the <head> tag in your template’s code.
Hint: Use Ctrl+F to find the code.
4. Copy the code below and Paste it below the tag

<base target='_<span style="color: #ff0000;">blank</span>'/>
5. Hit the save button and you are done.
It’s that easy? yeah. Don’t forget to drop your comment to show some love.
