queries for beginners
are some of the basic Linq command/samples for those who just want to start
learning Linq. So this will help a lot to all the beginners to easily
understand Linq queries.
Basic Query
To achieve Select * From ProductMst you
need to write follofing linq Query
var Result1 = from p in db.ProductMst
select p;
To achieve Select ProductID, ProductName, Price From
ProductMst you need to write follofing linq Query
var Result2 = from p in db.ProductMst
select new {
Where Clause Query
To achieve Select * From ProductMst Where ProductID
= 1 you need to write follofing linq Query
var Result3 = from p in db.ProductMst
where p.ProductID == 1
select p;
To achieve Select * From ProductMst Where SupplierId
=2 and Price > 10 you need to write follofing linq Query
var Result4 = from p in db.ProductMst
where p.SupplierID == 2 && p.Price > 10
select p;
To achieve Select * From ProductMst Where SupplierId
=2 Or SupplierId=5 you need to write follofing linq Query
var Result5 = from p in db.ProductMst
where p.SupplierID == 2 || p.SupplierID == 5
select p;
Order By Query
achieve Select * From ProductMst Order By ProductId you
need to write follofing linq Query
var Result6 = from p in db.ProductMst
orderby p.ProductID
select p;
To achieve Select * From ProductMst Order By
ProductId Desc you need to write follofing linq Query
var Result7 = from p in db.ProductMst
orderby p.ProductID descending
select p;
To achieve Select * From ProductMst Order By
CategoryId, Price Desc you need to write follofing linq Query
var Result8 = from p in db.ProductMst
orderby p.CategoryID, p.Price descending
select p;
Top Query
achieve Select Top 5 * From ProductMst you
need to write follofing linq Query
var Result9 = (from p in db.ProductMst
select p).Take(5);
achieve Select Top 1 * From ProductMst you
need to write follofing linq Query
var Result10 = (from p in db.ProductMst
select p).Take(1);
var Result11 = (from p in db.ProductMst
select p).First();
Distinct Query
achieve Select Distinct CategoryId From ProductMst you
need to write follofing linq Query
var Result13 = (from p in db.ProductMst
select p.CategoryID).Distinct();
Group By Query
achieve Select CategoryId, Count(CategoryID) As
FieldName From ProductMst Group By CategoryId you need to write
follofing linq Query
var Result14 = from p in db.ProductMst
group p by p.CategoryID into g
select new {
CategoryId = g.Key,
FieldName = g.Count()
achieve Select CategoryId, Avg(UnitPrice) As
NewField From ProductMst Group By CategoryId you need to write
follofing linq Query
var Result15 = from p in db.ProductMst
group p by p.CategoryID into g
select new {
CategoryId = g.Key,
FieldName = g.Average(S => S.Price)
Union Query
achieve Select * From ProductMst Where CategoryId =1
union Select * From ProductMst Where CategoryId = 2 you need to
write follofing linq Query
var Result17 = (from p in db.ProductMst
where p.CategoryID == 1
select p).Union(
from m in db.ProductMst
where m.CategoryID == 2
select m
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