Visual Studio with Xamarin

Visual Studio with Xamarin

Xamarin support for Visual Studio development, for both Android and iOS, includes a myriad of tools and features available to mobile developers. In addition, developers familiar with Visual Studio can leverage existing skills and increase productivity by developing in VS. Visual Studio support also means that applications sharing code between iOS, Android, and Windows can be developed in the same IDE. This section will introduce Xamarin Visual Studio support, and provide guidelines for developing Xamarin applications in Visual Studio.

Introduction to Xamarin.iOS for Visual Studio

This article shows how to build, and test Xamarin iOS applications using Visual Studio. It will explain how to use Visual Studio to create new iOS projects, build an iOS application and then compile, test and debug using a networked Mac to host Apple’s compiler and simulator, and Xamarin’s build toolchain.

Creating iOS Applications in Code

This article examines how to create iOS applications entirely in code using Visual Studio. It shows how to start from an empty project template to build an application screen in a controller by creating a hierarchy of views from UIKit. Then, it discusses how to create custom views that can be loaded in a controller.

Introduction to the iOS Designer

The iOS Designer was introduced to Xamarin for Visual Studio in the Xamarin 3 release. This guide covers the features of the iOS designer. It covers designer basics and demonstrates using the designer to lay out controls visually and to edit properties.

Walkthrough – Using the iOS Designer

In the Introduction to the iOS Designer guide we introduced the key concepts and parts of the iOS Designer. This guide walks through the steps of creating a multi-screened application using the iOS Designer.
