C# - Adding the Specified Count to the Semaphore would Cause it to Exceed its Maximum Count in SQL Server / Asp.net


Here I will explain how to solve the problem “adding the specified count to the semaphore would cause it to exceed its maximum count in c# / Asp.net / sql server .” When running asp.net web application in c#, vb.net with SQL Server database.


In previous posts I explained many articles relating to solve errors in asp.net, SQL Server, IIS, etc. Now I will explain how to solve the problem of “adding the specified count to the semaphore would cause it to exceed its maximum count in sql server”. To solve this problem we need to add “Pooling=False” in database connection string to disable connection pool in web.config.

Default Connection String
<add name="dbconnection" connectionString="Data Source=SureshDasari; Initial Catalog=TestDatabase; Persist Security Info=True;User ID=test;Password=test;" />
After Adding Pooling in Connection String
<add name="dbconnection" connectionString="Data Source=SureshDasari; Initial Catalog=TestDatabase; Persist Security Info=True;User ID=test;Password=test; Pooling=False;" />
Once we add “Pooling=False” condition to connection string then it will disable connection pool and run application without any problem. To know more about connection pooling check this article Connection Pooling
