7 jQuery Star Rating Plugin Examples Tutorials


Here I will explain best jQuery star rating Plugins examples. The jQuery star rating control Plugins will help us to give option to users to rate site content based on that we will know whether it’s good or not.
In previous article I explained
8 HTML5 & jQuery Video Player Plugins, 6 jQuery News ticker plugin examples, 11+ best jQuery Scroll to top plugins, 8 jQuery clock plugin examples and many articles relating to jQuery Plugins, JQuery, Ajax, asp.net, SQL Server etc. Now I will explain best jQuery star rating control Plugins examples.

jQuery Average Rating Plugin Example

In this plugin example we can learn how to allow users to rate and save those details in database.

jQuery Bar Rating Plugin

jQuery Bar Rating Plugin works by transforming a standard select box into a rating widget. 

jQuery Star Rating Plugin

This plugin working fast because there is no user options. Just include and call it. If you would like store votes in a database then you must use callback method.
Star Rating jQuery Plugin

The Star Rating Plugin is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that creates a non-obtrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes.

jRating: Very flexible jQuery plugin

jRating is a very flexible jQuery plugin for quickly creating an Ajaxed star rating system. It is possible to configure every details from "the number of the stars" to "if the stars can represent decimals or not".

New jQuery Rater Plugin for Star Ratings

jQuery Rater Plugin that should reduce the complexity of implementing an ajax rating scenario and it provide Auto Ajax posting, Supports rating update and rating count, Shows previous rating before user has rated, Markup is same for rated and unrated and Supports step ratings (partial stars)

jQuery Raty Plugin(A star rating plugin)

jQuery Raty is a plugin that generates a customizable star rating.
